
Creating New Possibilities for Your Life

Creating New Possibilities for Your Life

Creating New Possibilities for Your Life

Creating New Possibilities for Your Life

Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat
  • Transformations Experience
“Transformations is an experience that will be with me forever.”


is a personal development experience that begins over a period of five days as participants discover tools for living a healthy and productive life.

Our unique process takes participants on a journey to create new openings where beliefs or hurts from the past have been holding them back. Through an intentionally and carefully designed program of experiential learning, participants encounter healing that brings true freedom and opens life up to new possibilities.
“After Transformations I felt ALIVE. I could breathe in a healthier way; no heavy weight on my chest.”
Getting connected to self, others, community, and creation in a deeply spiritual way is all part of this personal transformation, integrating indigenous culture and honouring the sacred teachings. Some of the areas we explore include mental health and well-being, emotional health, addictions, lateral conflict, suicide, and grief.

Transformations is not a lecture, it is not a seminar, and it is not a treatment centre—it is an experience. And participants will tell you it is the most challenging yet beneficial five days of their lives.
  • Transformations Experience
Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat
Transformations retreat

Who is This For?

Any First Nations person 18-80 years of age who is looking for a life worth living.

The only requirement is a willingness to be open and honest.

Because our participants come from First Nations communities, there is a comfort in taking this journey together.

What is This All About?

We help empower people and communities by giving you tools and effective strategies to improve health, wellness, and productivity.

We address addictions and help you overcome the restrictions that the past may be placing on your ability to live fully today. This includes challenges created by the residential school system and the impact it continues to have on families and communities.

We assist you in identifying education and career development opportunities as part of discovering new possibilities for your life.

What Will I Get Out of This?

You will learn about and experience forgiveness, possibly for the first time in your life.

You will replace hopelessness with power, anger with joy, fear and apathy with a love for self and others, and addictions with freedom.

You will create an accountable community where transformed living is not only possible but sustainable.

You will learn to love yourself and create close personal relationships with others.

Transformations is an experience like no other. Are you ready to take the journey?
Our founder, Tom Morris, was interviewed on the CFNR radio program, Good Medicine, where he shared the origins of our work and how Transformations continues to respond to new opportunities.


“Transformations is a family, a community, a healing center, a solution. It is my home…Transformations is unlike any other place I have been.”
“Transformations saved me from the brink of death.”
“Before I attended Transformations, I was an active user of alcohol and cocaine for a good 12-13 years of my life…As of today, I am 662 days sober!”
“I learned to trust, care, and have pride for who I am.”
“I learned about forgiveness which is very important in my life.”
“My family has grown considerably since this program started. We started as strangers and finished as a family.”
“Transformations really opened up my eyes to a whole new world.”
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